Start the journey

Before you take a train journey you have to know where you are buying a ticket to !

The same applies to your business -  you need to spend time working out what your end goal is.

I would recommend a full day BUILDING YOUR STRATEGY PLAN - with your Directors or Managers attending.

Preferably make the meeting off site - I like to choose a venue that is inspiring - a meeting room at a hotel that has won recent awards can be good. If your business is trying to achieve excellence you need to meet in a place that is inspiring !

Every 6 months plan a day to check your strategy is on track. It is on these days that you "fine tune" the strategy.


An example here is my core purpose "To create businesses of excellence focussed on customer needs".

Work out what yours is and try to keep it brief.


Defining your values is something that comes over time.

Initially - to stimulate debate why not look up 10 large companies (use google) and discuss their core values. Do they apply to you ?

Look up the values on the websites of Microsoft, Tesco, Bodyshop, and some other companies you really admire.

Once you get the idea - you then develop your own list. This is not set in stone - you can add to these and change them as you progress through the years.